Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A night before Christmas at Portuguese Settlement Melaka

Stayed in Melaka for about 2 years but I’ve never been to Perkampungan Portugis, a little bit sharing


Mini Malaysia & Asean Cultural Park

Mini Malaysia Entrance


Rumah Kedah                                            Rumah Perak


Rumah Selangor


Rumah Negeri Sembilan


Rumah Melaka                                             Rumah Johor


                                                         Rumah Kelantan


Rumah Terengganu                                    Rumah Pahang


Rumah Sabah                                              Rumah Sarawak


Rumah Asean (Masih dalam pembaikan)


Rumah Filipina


                                                                 Rumah Indonesia


Rumah Singapura


Monday, April 25, 2011

English - America or Britain?

This is from my descent views of language used by most people these days. Most of them are American-literates speaker [on certain words], or cursing. Why learn English if you only knows how to curse? English is a whole lot better if you learn the language fully. Don't just pronounce 'waderrr', morrr e'.

Don't follow people! Trust yourself, even you don't have constructive friend like mine, just find a friend who can speak with you better English. Provoking others with your so called 'superb' english also helps him but not you, showing off!.

So learn as much as you can, always find constructive friend rather than destructive.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

LEARN, learn..learn

I felt guilty to myself if this conditions keeps on going. What I do until now 13/1/2011, administration works. watching building maintenance to change light bulbs, can see the servers, but not operate them. Not introduced to any of the servers management softwares yet at least, hopefully yes. I want to do more than just administration, reasonable to what I have learned. If not hoping to get some new knowledge about networks. So that where possible, I can recommend to Unikl what DEC student could get hired if the employs some basic understanding or at least subject that can be used in the networking arena.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1801 Home Remedies (ACNE)

What's WRONG!
Your skin is producing too much sebum - a natural oily lubricant - and the excess is blocking your pores. There are two kinds of acne. The most common form, acne vulgaris, occurs on your face, chest, shoulders or back as blackheads, whiteheads or red spots.
Cystic acne occurs as painful cysts or firm, painless lumps. Hormone fluctuations caused by puberty, taking the contraceptive pill, periods, pregnancy, or the onset of the menopause often increase sebum production, which can trigger an outbreak of acne. Other culprits include certain types of make-up, sunbathing and stress. Acne is usually hereditary.

ERADICATE spots now
Benzoyl Peroxide treatment such as Clearasil Ultra, Oxy work by mildly irritating the skin, encouraging an increased removal of skill cell as well as suppressing bacteria.
At first hint of a pimple, put an ice cube in a piece of plastic wrap and hold it on the area affected at least twice a day or every hour if you can. The cold will reduce the redness and ease the inflammation.

ALTERNATIVE acne treatments
Apply a drop of tea tree oil to blemished 3x a day to discourage infection and speed up healing.

Apply vinegar or lemon juice to pimples using cotton wool ball. The acids present in lemon and vinegars can help to flush out pores.

Toothpaste smeared on the outbreak is also reputed to work well- Try applying before you go to bed.

Apply aloe vera. One study found that 90% of skin sores were completely healed with aloe vera within five days.

Keep your skin clean - but not too clean
Avoid granulated cleansers and don't use face washers which is abrasive and may harbour bacteria. Instead, use disposable cleansing pads.

To squeeze or not to squeeze
If you have to attack your spots, follow this dermatologists-approved method, suitable for whiteheads. Clean the area and sterilise the tip of a needle by holding it in a naked flame for 3 seconds or wiping it with surgical spirit. The gently nick the surface of the pimple. Drain it using cotton wool and clean it with 20 vol hydrogen peroxide solution. Don't squeeze or pick the spot - you'll make it worse. To deal with blackheads, buy a blackhead extractor, available in pharmacies. Soften the blemish with a hot-water compress for 10 minutes before you use the device.

Cited from Reader's Digest 1801 HOME REMEDIES